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smartfriends | smartphoto


Recommend smartphoto to a friend

Happy with your smartphoto products?

Tell your friends about smartphoto and enjoy a fantastic promotion.
Below you'll find your personal code that you can share with all your friends.
Encourage them to become a smartphoto customer by telling them how great our products are and offer them a discount on their first order.
When their first order is shipped, you'll receive a promo code as well!

Discover the advantages

Discover the benefits for you and your friends

  • You receive a reward
  • Your friend receives a discount
  • Invite as many friends as you like
  • Discount valid on all our products
  • No minimum spending amount

How does it work?

Step 1: Share your personal link you'll find above with all your friends.
Step 2: Your friend is very interested in your offer and decides to become a smartphoto customer as well.
Step 3: When your friend's first order is shipped, you receive a discount code.
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Frequently asked questions

Can I participate in the smartfriends programme if I'm already a customer?

Customers with a registrated account can't receive a discount via a link, you can only recommend smartphoto to your friends who aren't a member yet.

Is there a limitation to the amount of friends I can apply?

No, you can invite as many friends to become a new customer as you want.

What rewards do I receive when my friends become customers?

For every friend that becomes a new customer, you'll receive a reward of €7,50 valid on all our products (ex.shipment)

When do I receive my discount?

You'll receive your discount as soon as your friend's purchase is shipped.

What do I do when I'm having problems with applying my friends as new customers

If you're experiencing trouble with inviting friends, please take contact with our customer service on our contact page

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